Privacy policy and Terms and Conditions

1) Privacy Policy

Our contact details

Name: Education Online


The app has been made to protect and preserve privacy as best as possible.

The proper functioning of the app is defined as the data required for all the things to work as expected.

Our privacy policy may change from time to time. If we make any material changes to our policies, we will place a prominent notice on our app or via Email, Telegram (if available!).

Check the quaries about our Privacy Policy:

1) What informations we collect?

The type of personal information we collect

We currently collect and process the following information:
    • Your Email Address for contact with you.
    • Your password (For protect your account)
    • Your username (If you want to set!)
    • Telegram UserID, firstname, lastname, username (Note: These are your public telegram details. We do not know your "real" details.)*If you make your account from Telegram.
    • Your email address (for generate otp for your login in app)

2) Why we collect it?

How we get the personal information and why we have it

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:
    • Contact with you easily.
    • Make safe your account.
    • Notify you anytime.

3) What we do not?

What we DO NOT do with the personal information

    • store any messages/responses, unless explicitly saved (eg email address, your password).
    • use technologies like beacons or unique device identifiers to identify you or your device.
    • knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can promptly obtain parental consent or remove the information.
    • share any sensitive information with any other organisations or individuals.

2) Terms and Conditions 

Our terms and conditions are:

1) Copyright:

i) When you edit any article, you must be edit the article with your knowledge, not be copying from any other sites.
ii) Don't make any article without permission. Otherwise your account will be temporarily banned!

2) Comment:
i) Don't insult others in comment section!
ii) Don't use €,£,¥,₩,$ in comment section!

Our Terms and Conditions can be changed in any time! If there will be changed anything, you will be notified from us via Email or Telegram (if available!).


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